Why do I need an AI policy?
Big technological shifts always trigger a period of explosive growth where the technology and what’s possible changes incredibly quickly. We’re in that stage right now with AI systems. Everyone is curious, scared, and interested in AI. Chat GPT accumulated 100 million users in 2 months, which is faster than many other major apps.
The future workforce is already regularly using AI and bans will not be practical nor effective. Over 40% of university students use ChatGPT for coursework. Thirty-nine percent of prospective students say they wouldn’t consider going to a college that banned Chat GPT and other LLMs.
Disclaimer: The thoughts and ideas presented in this course are not to be substituted for legal or ethical advice and are only meant to give you a starting point for gathering information about AI policy and regulations to consider.
Each month regularly brings new opportunities and surprises, many of which we can’t anticipate and require organizations to adapt quickly. Everyone is using AI, but no one really knows how to use it properly. The rapid changes are making new capabilities feasible while also bringing to light new and unique concerns. However, adopting this new technology at the right time and in a way that minimizes mistakes and bad outcomes can make great things happen for your organization. It’s a bit like catching the tail of a rocket ship just being launched, but catching it in a way that doesn’t burn you to a crisp.
New technology adoption is scary, and while caution is advisable, all-out bans are not practical. Thirty or so years ago, we had a similar technological shift with the advent of the Internet. At the time, using the Internet for common, everyday tasks was a big deal, and there was fear about how it would change how we work. Now, we have accepted the Internet as a way of life and it’s a normal experience to look things up on Google or shop on the internet. In 30 years, AI systems will be the same.
Employees will use AI and this will make them more effective. Thoughtful AI policies can balance your employees’ use with safety and security measures.