Data Science Courses

Winter Quarter Courses and Workshops

The Fred Hutch Data Science Lab (DaSL) is excited to launch its second year of biomedical data science training and learning communities! At DaSL, we believe that everyone, regardless of their educational background, can excel at data science.

For Winter Quarter of 2025, we are offering the following in-person and online courses and workshops in the following topics. Each course or workshop will have learning community sessions to extend your skills.

Note that the topics change per quarter.

For more information about courses, look at our Course Catalog

Unsure About What to Learn?

Wracked with indecision, or not sure whether a course is for you? We will have a learning drop-in session for you to learn more about the Data Science Lab course offerings. Let us help you find your own learning path.

Date Time Location
January 8 11:30-1 PM Thomas Building, Table outside of Pelton Auditorium

Full List of Winter Quarter Courses and Workshops

This is a list of the course/workshop offerings for Winter Quarter.

Topic Name Type
Data Science Programming Intermediate R Course
Data Science Programming Intro to Python Course
Data Science Programming Intermediate Python Course
Data Science Programming Intro to SQL/Big Data Course
Data4All Better Tables Part 1 Workshop
Data4All Better Tables Part 2 Workshop
Data4All AI for Coding Workshop
Reproducible Research Intro to Command Line Workshop
Reproducible Research Intro to Git/GitHub Workshop
Reproducible Research Intermediate Git/GitHub Workshop

Course Descriptions and Details for Winter Quarter

Note that all courses and workshops have a registration link in the description if they are still open. We do maintain a waiting list for each workshop/course.

Location/Teams Information and other information will be made available after registration.

Data Science Programming

Intermediate R

Type Course
Dates Jan 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12, 26, Mar 6
Time Wednesday 12:00-1:30
Commitment 6 weeks of classes and optional data-thon
Audience The course is intended for researchers who want to continue learning the fundamentals of R programming and how to deal with messy datasets. The audience should know how to subset dataframes and vectors and conduct basic analysis, and/or have taken our Intro to R course.
Registration Register Link
Course Website Website Link

The course continues building programming fundamentals in R programming and data analysis. You will learn how to make use of complex data structures, use custom functions built by other R users, creating your own functions, and how to iterate repeated tasks that scales naturally. You will also learn how to clean messy data to a Tidy form for analysis, and conduct an end-to-end data science workflow.

Learning Objectives

  • Apply tools for Tidying data to get a messy dataset into analysis-ready form, via data recoding, data transformations, and data subsetting.
  • Design and Create simple, custom functions that can be reused throughout an analysis on multiple datasets.
  • Explain and utilize iteration in programming to reduce repeated code and batch process collections (such as a folder of files or rows in a table)

Introduction to Python

Type Course
Dates Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11, 25, 28, Mar. 4
Time Tuesdays 12:00-1:30
Commitment 6 weeks of classes and optional data-thon
Audience Researchers who want to do more with their data analyses and visualizations. This course is appropriate for those who want to learn coding for the first time, or have explored programming and want to focus on fundamentals in Python.
Registration Register Link
Course Website Website Link

You will learn the fundamentals of Python, a statistical programming language, and use it to wrangle data for analysis and visualization. The programming skills you will learn are transferable to learn more about Python. At the end of the class, you will be reproducing analysis from a scientific publication!

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze Tidy datasets in the Python programming language via data subsetting, joining, and transformations.
  • Evaluate summary statistics and data visualization to understand scientific questions.
  • Describe how the Python programming environment interprets complex expressions made out of functions, operations, and data structures, in a step-by-step way.
  • Apply problem solving strategies to debug broken code.

Intermediate Python

Type Course
Dates Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 28, Mar. 6
Time Thursdays 12:00-1:30
Commitment 6 weeks of classes and optional Data-thon
Audience The course is intended for researchers who want to continue learning the fundamentals of Python programming and how to write custom data analysis functions when dealing with messy datasets. The audience should know how to work with Lists and Pandas Dataframes and conduct basic data analysis, and/or have taken our Intro to Python course.
Registration Register Link
Course Website Website Link

The course continues building programming fundamentals in Python programming and data analysis. You will learn how to make use of complex data structures, iterate repeated tasks that scales naturally , and create your own functions. You will apply these skills to develop a custom data analysis.

Learning Objectives (LOs)

  • Understand and distinguish the use case of data structures to store different types of data.
  • Implement code to iterate over a collection (such as files, elements of a column, or a list of objects) to batch process each item
  • Implement code that has a branching structure depending on input data’s condition.
  • Create simple, modular functions that can be reused.
  • Describe the difference between copying an object vs. referencing an object and how that could affect variables in a data analysis.

Intro to SQL

Type Course
Dates Feb. 7, 14, 28, Mar. 7
Time Fridays 12:00-1:30
Commitment 4 weeks of classes and optional Data-thon
Audience Researchers and clinical support staff who need to extract and work with relevant data stored in the OMOP data model.
Registration Register Link

Data that we need to utilize and query is often stored in data sources such as databases or data warehouses. In this course, you will learn how to connect and query databases using Structured Query Language (SQL). In particular, we will focus on querying data in a commonly used data model for storing patient data called OMOP. By the end of this course, you will be prepared to construct complex queries to retrieve large data sets and automate these queries to produce automated reports and dashboards.

Learning Objectives

Explain data sources such as Databases and how to connect to them

  • Query data sources using database engines and Structured Query Language (SQL) to filter, join, summarize, and update data
  • Explain the OMOP data model and how it enables clinical data queries
  • Schedule queries to pull data from data sources on a regular basis


We all work with data in different ways. The DaSL Data4All workshops give you an opportunity to learn about data-related topics that are immediately applicable to your current position. There are no prerequisites for these courses. Everyone is welcome.

Attend multiple sessions and earn your Data4All badge to show others at FH and beyond that you work with data ethically and collaboratively.

Each Data4All workshop includes a list of DaSL training and resources to extend your own knowledgebase.

Better Tables Part 1

Type Workshop
Dates January 24 (workshop)
Time 2:00-3:30
Prerequisites None
Time Commitment 1 session
Audience Anyone who wants to learn how to present data more effectively, and wants to learn about the available data science software to present it.
Register Registration Link

Are you working on tables for publication and you’d like to improve their presentation and readability? Join us for a 2 part workshop on presenting data effectively in tables.

In part 1, we’ll talk about basic table presentation principles and guidelines on how to effectively organize your data.

Learning Objectives

  • Review basic anatomy of a table
  • Explain cognitive psychology methods to guide viewers through a table
  • Analyze and critique various Table 1s (cohort descriptions)

Better Tables Part 2

Type Workshop
Dates January 31 (workshop)
Time 2:00-3:30
Prerequisites None, although Part 1 is helpful
Time Commitment 1 session
Audience Anyone who wants to learn how to present data more effectively, and wants to learn about the available data science software to present it.
Register Registration Link

Are you working on tables for publication and you’d like to improve their presentation and readability? Join us for a 2 part workshop on presenting data effectively in tables.

In part 2, we’ll learn about the packages that enable you to present data more effectively: the gt package (for R) and the GreatTables package (for Python). Both of these allow you to format and export publication quality tables in a wide variety of formats, including Word, LaTeX, and HTML.

Learning Objectives

  • Utilize the GreatTables (Python) or gt (R) packages to format tables for publication
  • Apply cognitive principles from Part 1 to improve a table
  • Export tables to various formats, including Word, LaTex, and HTML

AI for Coding


Reproducible Research

Scientific results and evidence are strengthened if those results can be replicated and confirmed by several independent researchers. When researchers employ transparency in their research - in other words, when they properly document and share the data and processes associated with their analyses - the broader research community is able to save valuable time when reproducing or building upon published results. Often, data or code from prior projects will be re-used by new researchers to verify old findings or develop new analyses.

These workshops aim to help you and your group make your work transparent and reusable by others.

Introduction to Git

Type Workshop
Dates Monday, March 3
Time 2:00-3:30
Prerequisites None
Time Commitment 1 session
Audience Researchers and others who want to learn more about using GitHub for reproducible research
Register Registration Link

You will learn how to use Git, a version control system that is the primary means of doing reproducible and collaborative research. You will use Git from the command line to document the history of your code, create different versions of your code, and share your code with an audience via GitHub!

Learning Objectives

  • Explore and explain the anatomy of a Git Repository on GitHub
  • Explain how collaborative projects work on GitHub
  • Initiate your own repository using Git Desktop
  • Add and commit files to your repository
  • Publish your repository to GItHub

Introduction to Command Line

Type Workshop
Dates March 10
Time Monday 2:00-3:30
Prerequisites None
Time Commitment 1 session with 1 optional community session
Audience Researchers who want to utilize command-line tools such as Git/GitHub
Register Registration Link
Course Website Website

Fluency in programming and data science requires using computer software from the Command Line, a text-based way of controlling the computer. You will go on a guided under-the-hood tour behind the graphical interface we typically use: you will learn how to interact and manipulate files, folders, and software via the Command Line.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe when it is appropriate to use the Command Line and its pros and cons.
  • Analyze the components of a shell command: what are the possible inputs, arguments/options, and outputs, and where to find documentation for help.
  • Formulate directory tree addresses of interest using full and relative paths and file directory commands.
  • Formulate file operation commands for creating, moving, and delete files, including using the wildcard.

Workshop content found here.

Intermediate Git

Type Workshop
Dates March 12
Time Monday 2:00-3:30
Prerequisites Intro to Command Line
Time Commitment 1 session
Audience Researchers who want to utilize command-line tools such as Git/GitHub
Register Registration Link

In this workshop we’ll build on our Git skills by working with command-line git tools. You will become familiar with the Git workflow, including reverting a commit, branching a repository, and opening pull requests to collaborate on an online repository. By the end, you will come out with skills and recommendations on making your code available and reproducible.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain and utilize the command-line workflow of Git in your work
  • Branch a repository to make incremental changes in code
  • Open and review pull requests to make changes in an online repository