Chapter 4 Data Wrangling with Tidy Data, Part 1

From our first two lessons, we are now equipped with enough fundamental programming skills to apply it to various steps in the data science workflow, which is a natural cycle that occurs in data analysis.

Data science workflow. Image source: R for Data Science.
Data science workflow. Image source: R for Data Science.

For the rest of the course, we focus on Transform and Visualize with the assumption that our data is in a nice, “Tidy format”. First, we need to understand what it means for a data to be “Tidy”.

4.1 Tidy Data

Here, we describe a standard of organizing data. It is important to have standards, as it facilitates a consistent way of thinking about data organization and building tools (functions) that make use of that standard. The principles of tidy data, developed by Hadley Wickham:

  1. Each variable must have its own column.

  2. Each observation must have its own row.

  3. Each value must have its own cell.

If you want to be technical about what variables and observations are, Hadley Wickham describes:

A variable contains all values that measure the same underlying attribute (like height, temperature, duration) across units. An observation contains all values measured on the same unit (like a person, or a day, or a race) across attributes.

A tidy dataframe. Image source: R for Data Science.
A tidy dataframe. Image source: R for Data Science.

4.2 Examples and counter-examples of Tidy Data:

Consider the following three datasets, which all contain the exact same information:

## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   country      year  cases population
##   <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan  1999    745   19987071
## 2 Afghanistan  2000   2666   20595360
## 3 Brazil       1999  37737  172006362
## 4 Brazil       2000  80488  174504898
## 5 China        1999 212258 1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766 1280428583

This table1 satisfies the the definition of Tidy Data. The observation is a country’s year, and the variables are attributes of each country’s year.

## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   country      year type           count
##   <chr>       <dbl> <chr>          <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan  1999 cases            745
## 2 Afghanistan  1999 population  19987071
## 3 Afghanistan  2000 cases           2666
## 4 Afghanistan  2000 population  20595360
## 5 Brazil       1999 cases          37737
## 6 Brazil       1999 population 172006362

Something is strange able table2. The observation is still a country’s year, but “type” and “count” are not clear attributes of each country’s year.

## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   country      year rate             
##   <chr>       <dbl> <chr>            
## 1 Afghanistan  1999 745/19987071     
## 2 Afghanistan  2000 2666/20595360    
## 3 Brazil       1999 37737/172006362  
## 4 Brazil       2000 80488/174504898  
## 5 China        1999 212258/1272915272
## 6 China        2000 213766/1280428583

In table3, we have multiple values for each cell under the “rate” column.

4.3 Our working Tidy Data: DepMap Project

The Dependency Map project is a multi-omics profiling of cancer cell lines combined with functional assays such as CRISPR and drug sensitivity to help identify cancer vulnerabilities and drug targets. Here are some of the data that we have public access. We have been looking at the metadata since last session.

  • Metadata

  • Somatic mutations

  • Gene expression

  • Drug sensitivity

  • CRISPR knockout

  • and more…

Let’s see how these datasets fit the definition of Tidy data:

Dataframe The observation is Some variables are Some values are
metadata Cell line ModelID, Age, OncotreeLineage “ACH-000001”, 60, “Myeloid”
expression Cell line KRAS_Exp 2.4, .3
mutation Cell line KRAS_Mut TRUE, FALSE

4.4 Transform: “What do you want to do with this dataframe”?

Remember that a major theme of the course is about: How we organize ideas <-> Instructing a computer to do something.

Until now, we haven’t focused too much on how we organize our scientific ideas to interact with what we can do with code. Let’s pivot to write our code driven by our scientific curiosity. After we are sure that we are working with Tidy data, we can ponder how we want to transform our data that satisfies our scientific question. We will look at several ways we can transform tidy data, starting with subsetting columns and rows.

Here’s a starting prompt:

In the metadata dataframe, which rows would you filter for and columns would you select that relate to a scientific question?

We should use the implicit subsetting mindset here: ie. “I want to filter for rows such that the Subtype is breast cancer and look at the Age and Sex.” and not “I want to filter for rows 20-50 and select columns 2 and 8”.

Notice that when we filter for rows in an implicit way, we often formulate our criteria about the columns.

(This is because we are guaranteed to have column names in dataframes, but not usually row names. Some dataframes have row names, but because the data types are not guaranteed to have the same data type across rows, it makes describing by row properties difficult.)

Let’s convert our implicit subsetting criteria into code!

metadata_filtered = filter(metadata, OncotreeLineage == "Breast")
breast_metadata = select(metadata_filtered, ModelID, Age, Sex)

##      ModelID Age    Sex
## 1 ACH-000017  43 Female
## 2 ACH-000019  69 Female
## 3 ACH-000028  69 Female
## 4 ACH-000044  47 Female
## 5 ACH-000097  63 Female
## 6 ACH-000111  41 Female

Here, filter() and select() are functions from the tidyverse package, which we have to install and load in via library(tidyverse) before using these functions.

4.4.1 Filter rows

Let’s carefully a look what how the R Console is interpreting the filter() function:

  • We evaluate the expression right of =.

  • The first argument of filter() is a dataframe, which we give metadata.

  • The second argument is strange: the expression we give it looks like a logical indexing vector built from a comparison operator, but the variable OncotreeLineage does not exist in our environment! Rather, OncotreeLineage is a column from metadata, and we are referring to it as a data variable in the context of the dataframe metadata. So, we make a comparison operation on the column OncotreeLineage from metadata and its resulting logical indexing vector is the input to the second argument.

    • How do we know when a variable being used is a variable from the environment, or a data variable from a dataframe? It’s not clear cut, but here’s a rule of thumb: most functions from the tidyverse package allows you to use data variables to refer to columns of a dataframe. We refer to documentation when we are not sure.

    • This encourages more readable code at the expense of consistency of referring to variables in the environment. The authors of this package describes this trade-off.

  • Putting it together, filter() takes in a dataframe, and an logical indexing vector described by data variables as arguments, and returns a data frame with rows that match condition described by the logical indexing vector.

  • Store this in metadata_filtered variable.

4.4.2 Select columns

Let’s carefully a look what how the R Console is interpreting the select() function:

  • We evaluate the expression right of =.

  • The first argument of filter() is a dataframe, which we give metadata.

  • The second and third arguments are data variables referring the columns of metadata.

    • For certain functions like filter(), there is no limit on the number of arguments you provide. You can keep adding data variables to select for more column names.
  • Putting it together, select() takes in a dataframe, and as many data variables you like to select columns, and returns a dataframe with the columns you described by data variables.

  • Store this in breast_metadata variable.

4.5 Summary Statistics

Now that your dataframe has be transformed based on your scientific question, you can start doing some analysis on it! A common data science task is to examine summary statistics of a dataset, which summarizes the observations of a variable in a numeric summary.

If the columns of interest are numeric, then you can try functions such as mean(), median(), mode(), or summary() to get summary statistics of the column. If the columns of interest is character or logical, then you can try the table() function.

All of these functions take in a vector as input and not a dataframe, so you have to access the column as a vector via the $ operation.

mean(breast_metadata$Age, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 50.96104
##  Female Unknown 
##      91       1

4.6 Pipes

Often, in data analysis, we want to transform our dataframe in multiple steps via different functions. This leads to nested function calls, like this:

breast_metadata = select(filter(metadata, OncotreeLineage == "Breast"), ModelID, Age, Sex)

This is a bit hard to read. A computer doesn’t care how difficult it is to read this line of code, but there is a lot of instructions going on in one line of code. This multi-step function composition will lead to an unreadable pattern such as:

result = function3(function2(function1(dataframe, df_col4, df_col2), arg2), df_col5, arg1)

To untangle this, you have to look into the middle of this code, and slowly step out of it.

To make this more readable, programmers came up with an alternative syntax for function composition via the pipe metaphor. The ideas is that we push data through a chain of connected pipes, in which the output of a pipe becomes the input of the subsequent pipe.

Instead of a syntax like result2 = function3(function2(function1(dataframe))),

we linearize it with the %>% symbol: result2 = dataframe %>% function1 %>% function2 %>% function3.

In the previous example,

result = dataframe %>% function1(df_col4, df_col2) %>%
         function2(arg2) %>%
         function3(df_col5, arg1)

This looks much easier to read. Notice that we have broken up one expression in to three lines of code for readability. If a line of code is incomplete (the first line of code is piping to somewhere unfinished), the R will treat the next line of code as part of the current line of code.

Try to rewrite the select() and filter() function composition example above using the pipe metaphor and syntax.

4.7 Exercises

You can find exercises and solutions on Posit Cloud, or on GitHub.