Chapter 3 Data Wrangling, Part 1

From our first two lessons, we are now equipped with enough fundamental programming skills to apply it to various steps in the data science workflow, which is a natural cycle that occurs in data analysis.

Data science workflow. Image source: R for Data Science.
Data science workflow. Image source: R for Data Science.

For the rest of the course, we focus on Transform and Visualize with the assumption that our data is in a nice, “Tidy format”. First, we need to understand what it means for a data to be “Tidy”.

3.1 Tidy Data

Here, we describe a standard of organizing data. It is important to have standards, as it facilitates a consistent way of thinking about data organization and building tools (functions) that make use of that standard. The principles of tidy data, developed by Hadley Wickham:

  1. Each variable must have its own column.

  2. Each observation must have its own row.

  3. Each value must have its own cell.

If you want to be technical about what variables and observations are, Hadley Wickham describes:

A variable contains all values that measure the same underlying attribute (like height, temperature, duration) across units. An observation contains all values measured on the same unit (like a person, or a day, or a race) across attributes.

A tidy dataframe. Image source: R for Data Science.
A tidy dataframe. Image source: R for Data Science.

3.2 Our working Tidy Data: DepMap Project

The Dependency Map project is a multi-omics profiling of cancer cell lines combined with functional assays such as CRISPR and drug sensitivity to help identify cancer vulnerabilities and drug targets. Here are some of the data that we have public access to. We have been looking at the metadata since last session.

  • Metadata

  • Somatic mutations

  • Gene expression

  • Drug sensitivity

  • CRISPR knockout

  • and more…

Let’s load these datasets in, and see how these datasets fit the definition of Tidy data:

import pandas as pd

metadata = pd.read_csv("classroom_data/metadata.csv")
mutation = pd.read_csv("classroom_data/mutation.csv")
expression = pd.read_csv("classroom_data/expression.csv")
##       ModelID  PatientID  ...     OncotreePrimaryDisease       OncotreeLineage
## 0  ACH-000001  PT-gj46wT  ...   Ovarian Epithelial Tumor  Ovary/Fallopian Tube
## 1  ACH-000002  PT-5qa3uk  ...     Acute Myeloid Leukemia               Myeloid
## 2  ACH-000003  PT-puKIyc  ...  Colorectal Adenocarcinoma                 Bowel
## 3  ACH-000004  PT-q4K2cp  ...     Acute Myeloid Leukemia               Myeloid
## 4  ACH-000005  PT-q4K2cp  ...     Acute Myeloid Leukemia               Myeloid
## [5 rows x 30 columns]
##       ModelID  CACNA1D_Mut  CYP2D6_Mut  ...  CCDC28A_Mut  C1orf194_Mut  U2AF1_Mut
## 0  ACH-000001        False       False  ...        False         False      False
## 1  ACH-000002        False       False  ...        False         False      False
## 2  ACH-000004        False       False  ...        False         False      False
## 3  ACH-000005        False       False  ...        False         False      False
## 4  ACH-000006        False       False  ...        False         False      False
## [5 rows x 540 columns]
##       ModelID  ENPP4_Exp  CREBBP_Exp  ...  OR5D13_Exp  C2orf81_Exp  OR8S1_Exp
## 0  ACH-001113   2.280956    4.094236  ...         0.0     1.726831        0.0
## 1  ACH-001289   3.622930    3.606442  ...         0.0     0.790772        0.0
## 2  ACH-001339   0.790772    2.970854  ...         0.0     0.575312        0.0
## 3  ACH-001538   3.485427    2.801159  ...         0.0     1.077243        0.0
## 4  ACH-000242   0.879706    3.327687  ...         0.0     0.722466        0.0
## [5 rows x 536 columns]
Dataframe The observation is Some variables are Some values are
metadata Cell line ModelID, Age, OncotreeLineage “ACH-000001”, 60, “Myeloid”
expression Cell line KRAS_Exp 2.4, .3
mutation Cell line KRAS_Mut TRUE, FALSE

3.3 Transform: “What do you want to do with this Dataframe”?

Remember that a major theme of the course is about: How we organize ideas <-> Instructing a computer to do something.

Until now, we haven’t focused too much on how we organize our scientific ideas to interact with what we can do with code. Let’s pivot to write our code driven by our scientific curiosity. After we are sure that we are working with Tidy data, we can ponder how we want to transform our data that satisfies our scientific question. We will look at several ways we can transform Tidy data, starting with subsetting columns and rows.

Here’s a starting prompt:

In the metadata dataframe, which rows would you subset for and columns would you subset for that relate to a scientific question?

We have been using explicit subsetting with numerical indicies, such as “I want to filter for rows 20-50 and select columns 2 and 8”. We are now going to switch to implicit subsetting in which we describe the subsetting criteria via comparision operators and column names, such as:

“I want to subset for rows such that the OncotreeLineage is breast cancer and subset for columns Age and Sex.”

Notice that when we subset for rows in an implicit way, we formulate our criteria in terms of the columns.This is because we are guaranteed to have column names in Dataframes, but not row names. Let’s convert our implicit subsetting criteria into code!

To subset for rows implicitly, we will use the conditional operators on Dataframe columns you used in Exercise 2. To formulate a conditional operator expression that OncotreeLineage is breast cancer:

metadata['OncotreeLineage'] == "Lung"
## 0       False
## 1       False
## 2       False
## 3       False
## 4       False
##         ...  
## 1859    False
## 1860    False
## 1861    False
## 1862    False
## 1863     True
## Name: OncotreeLineage, Length: 1864, dtype: bool

Then, we will use the .loc operation (which is different than .iloc operation!) and subsetting brackets to subset rows and columns Age and Sex at the same time:

metadata.loc[metadata['OncotreeLineage'] == "Lung", ["Age", "Sex"]]
##        Age     Sex
## 10    39.0  Female
## 13    44.0    Male
## 19    55.0  Female
## 27    39.0  Female
## 28    45.0    Male
## ...    ...     ...
## 1745  52.0    Male
## 1819  84.0    Male
## 1820  57.0  Female
## 1822  53.0    Male
## 1863  62.0    Male
## [241 rows x 2 columns]

What’s going on here? The first component of the subset, metadata['OncotreeLineage'] == "Lung", subsets for the rows. It gives us a column of True and False values, and we keep rows that correspond to True values. Then, we specify the column names we want to subset for via a list.

Here’s another example:

df = pd.DataFrame(data={'status': ["treated", "untreated", "untreated", "discharged", "treated"],
                            'age_case': [25, 43, 21, 65, 7],
                            'age_control': [49, 20, 32, 25, 32]})
##        status  age_case  age_control
## 0     treated        25           49
## 1   untreated        43           20
## 2   untreated        21           32
## 3  discharged        65           25
## 4     treated         7           32

“I want to subset for rows such that the status is”treated” and subset for columns status and age_case.”

df.loc[df.status == "treated", ["status", "age_case"]]
##     status  age_case
## 0  treated        25
## 4  treated         7

3.4 Summary Statistics

Now that your Dataframe has be transformed based on your scientific question, you can start doing some analysis on it! A common data science task is to examine summary statistics of a dataset, which summarizes the all the values from a variable in a numeric summary, such as mean, median, or mode.

If we look at the data structure of a Dataframe’s column, it is actually not a List, but an object called Series. It has methods can compute summary statistics for us. Let’s take a look at a few popular examples:

Function method What it takes in What it does Returns
metadata.Age.mean() metadata.Age as a numeric Series Computes the mean value of the Age column. Float (NumPy)
metadata['Age'].median() metadata['Age'] as a numeric Series Computes the median value of the Age column. Float (NumPy)
metadata.Age.max() metadata.Age as a numeric Series Computes the max value of the Age column. Float (NumPy)
metadata.OncotreeSubtype.value_counts() metadata.OncotreeSubtype as a string Series Creates a frequency table of all unique elements in OncotreeSubtype column. Series

Let’s try it out, with some nice print formatting:

print("Mean value of Age column:", metadata['Age'].mean())
## Mean value of Age column: 47.45187165775401
print("Frequency of column", metadata.OncotreeLineage.value_counts())
## Frequency of column OncotreeLineage
## Lung                         241
## Lymphoid                     209
## CNS/Brain                    123
## Skin                         118
## Esophagus/Stomach             95
## Breast                        92
## Bowel                         87
## Head and Neck                 81
## Myeloid                       77
## Bone                          75
## Ovary/Fallopian Tube          74
## Pancreas                      65
## Kidney                        64
## Peripheral Nervous System     55
## Soft Tissue                   54
## Uterus                        41
## Fibroblast                    41
## Biliary Tract                 40
## Bladder/Urinary Tract         39
## Normal                        39
## Pleura                        35
## Liver                         28
## Cervix                        25
## Eye                           19
## Thyroid                       18
## Prostate                      14
## Vulva/Vagina                   5
## Ampulla of Vater               4
## Testis                         4
## Adrenal Gland                  1
## Other                          1
## Name: count, dtype: int64

Notice that the output of some of these methods are Float (NumPy). This refers to a Python Object called NumPy that is extremely popular for scientific computing, but we’re not focused on that in this course.)

3.5 Simple data visualization

We will dedicate extensive time later this course to talk about data visualization, but the Dataframe’s column, Series, has a method called .plot() that can help us make simple plots for one variable. The .plot() method will by default make a line plot, but it is not necessary the plot style we want, so we can give the optional argument kind a String value to specify the plot style. We use it for making a histogram or bar plot.

Plot style Useful for kind = Code
Histogram Numerics “hist” metadata.Age.plot(kind = "hist")
Bar plot Strings “bar” metadata.OncotreeSubtype.value_counts().plot(kind = "bar")

Let’s look at a histogram:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

metadata.Age.plot(kind = "hist")

Let’s look at a bar plot:

metadata.OncotreeLineage.value_counts().plot(kind = "bar")

(The plt.figure() and functions are used to render the plots on the website, but you don’t need to use it for your exercises - yet. We will discuss this in more detail during our week of data visualization.) Chained function calls

Let’s look at our bar plot syntax more carefully. We start with the column metadata.OncotreeLineage, and then we first use the method .value_counts() to get a Series of a frequency table. Then, we take the frequency table Series and use the .plot() method.

It is quite common in Python to have multiple “chained” function calls, in which the output of .value_counts() is used for the input of .plot() all in one line of code. It takes a bit of time to get used to this!

Here’s another example of a chained function call, which looks quite complex, but let’s break it down:


metadata.loc[metadata.AgeCategory == "Adult", ].OncotreeLineage.value_counts().plot(kind="bar")

  1. We first take the entire metadata and do some subsetting, which outputs a Dataframe.
  2. We access the OncotreeLineage column, which outputs a Series.
  3. We use the method .value_counts(), which outputs a Series.
  4. We make a plot out of it!

We could have, alternatively, done this in several lines of code:


metadata_subset = metadata.loc[metadata.AgeCategory == "Adult", ]
metadata_subset_lineage = metadata_subset.OncotreeLineage
lineage_freq = metadata_subset_lineage.value_counts()
lineage_freq.plot(kind = "bar")

These are two different styles of code, but they do the exact same thing. It’s up to you to decide what is easier for you to understand.

3.6 Exercises

Exercise for week 3 can be found here.