
Data information

  • viewCount how many times has the video been viewed?
  • likeCount how many times has the video been liked?
  • dislikeCount - how many times has the video been disliked?
  • favoriteCount - how many times has the video been favorited?
  • commentCount - how many comments on the video?
video viewCount likeCount dislikeCount favoriteCount commentCount
XN_QPRrJZAw 7 0 0 0 0
YkYnni-WuaQ 46 0 0 0 0

Setting up YouTube

Follow the steps from the above section to authenticate Google – make sure that the account you have authenticated for has access to the YouTube you wish to collect.

Go to a video you’d like to collect data from. The URL should look something like this:<YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_HERE>

Extract the Youtube Video ID from the URL and put it in the video_ids section of the _config_automation.yml file. Delete the example IDs we have put there as placeholders. Do this for each video you’d like to collect data from and separate the IDs with commas.

###### YouTube ######
refresh-youtube: yes
video_ids: [ XN_QPRrJZAw, YkYnni-WuaQ ]

Customizing the YouTube Data

In order to customize the data you are downloading from your YouTube you can modify the refresh-scripts/refresh-youtube.R script in your repository.

You can take a look at the metricminer R package documentation for more details about the functions and what is possible.

If you have a metric need that is not currently fulfilled by metricminer or metricminer-dashboard we encourage you to file a GitHub issue with us and let us know about your new feature idea (or bug report).