
Total CRAN downloads for all packages:

cran %>% dplyr::summarize(download_total = sum(count))
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##   download_total
##            <dbl>
## 1           8910

CRAN package downloads over time, summarized by month.

cran_stats <- cran %>%
  separate(date, into=c("year", "month name", "day"), sep = "-") %>%
  unite("Month", c("year", "month name"), sep='-', remove=TRUE) %>%  
  group_by(Month, package) %>%
  summarise(monthly_downloads = sum(count)) %>% #summarize monthly downloads by package
  filter(monthly_downloads > 0) #drop the 0's

ggplot(cran_stats, aes(Month, monthly_downloads, group=package, color = package)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank()) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
  labs(x = NULL,
       y = "Monthly Downloads",
       color = "R Packages")

Setting up CRAN

In the _config_automation.yml you will need to specify a few things.

###### CRAN ######
refresh-cran: yes
cran_packages: [ metricminer, ottrpal ]
  • In the config_automation.yml file, make sure that refresh-cran is set to “yes”.
  • In the cran_packages of your config_automation.yml, type the names of the packages that you’d like to collect data from on CRAN. Type them exactly as they are spelled, case sensitive, separated by commas. Delete the example package names we’ve put there.
  • Optionally, if you are saving data to google, specify a googlesheet ID in cran_googlesheet you’d like the CRAN data to be saved to. This will only be relevant if you’ve set data_dest to google.

Customizing CRAN Data

In order to customize the data you are downloading from CRAN you can modify the refresh-scripts/refresh-cran.R script in your repository.

You can take a look at the metricminer R package documentation for more details about the functions and what is possible.

If you have a metric need that is not currently fulfilled by metricminer or metricminer-dashboard we encourage you to file a GitHub issue with us and let us know about your new feature idea (or bug report).