Note the galaxy link they should use:
Note here this walkthrough diverges from the Galaxy Training tutorial, rearranging the dimensionality reduction steps.
Change the input such that for this tutorial it should be the PCA Processed Seurat Object (instead of the Preprocessed Seurat Object with Clusters)
Keep the Dims 1:15 argument.
The Reduction argument autofilled to be PCA and I kept it.
Use the output of the previous step “Seurat UMAP on data X: Seurat RDS” as the input for this one.
Keep the Plot_type_selector as FeaturePlot and Features as Gapdh as described in the Galaxy Training Tutorial.
Use the output of the Run UMAP step “Seurat UMAP on data X: Seurat RDS” as the input for this one.
Keep the Plot_type_selector as FeaturePlot and Features as Il2ra as described in the Galaxy Training Tutorial.
NOTE: If you plot UMAP at this stage, do not use “Group by: RNA_nn_res.0.5” argument
Input is Y: Seurat UMAP on data X: Seurat RDS (the output of the Run UMAP step “Seurat UMAP on data X: Seurat RDS”)
“Reduction”: PCA “Dimensions”: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 “Assay”: RNA –> Z: Seurat FindNeighbours on data Y: Seurat RDS
In “Advanced Options “ “Resolution”: 0.5
Z:Seurat FindNeighbours on data Y: Seurat RDS –> A: Seurat FindClusters on data Z: Seurat RDS
Group by: RNA_nn_res.0.5
A: Seurat FindClusters on data Z: Seurat RDS –> B: Seurat DimPlot on data A: png plot
Full Galaxy Training Tutorial “Filter, plot, and explore single cell RNA-seq data with Seurat” from which this tutorial was adapted. Changes include