Chapter 4 BioDIGS Data
There are currently three major kinds of data available from BioDIGS: sample metadata, soil testing data, and genomics and metagenomics data. All of these are available for use in your classroom.
4.1 Sample Metadata
This dataset contains information about the samples themselves, including GPS coordinates for the sample location, date the sample was taken, and the site name. This dataset is also available from the BioDIGS website
You can also see images of each sampling site and soil characteristics at the sample map.
4.2 Soil Testing Data
This dataset includes basic information about the soil itself like pH, percentage of organic matter, variety of soil metal concentrations. The complete data dictionary is available here. The dataset is available at the BioDIGS website.
This dataset was generated by the Delaware Soil Testing Program at the University of Delaware.
4.3 Genomics and Metagenomics Data
You can access this data in both raw and processed forms.
The Illumina and Nanopore sequences were generated at the Johns Hopkins University Genetic Resources Core Facility. PacBio sequencing was done by PacBio directly.
More information coming soon!