TopicsOfInterest |
DevOps |
Cloud infrastructure |
wrangling Python |
alternatives to Python for scientific programmers |
Useful tools in the field for creating tutorials and content |
FAIR Data Sharing |
Community engagement |
best practices for educational materials |
Instructional design |
best practices for documentation and technical writing |
key conferences |
meetings and events to promote open-source software |
Open Source software development strategies - good practices for testing |
git tools and patterns for branching/committing releases |
mentoring specifically undergraduates/trainees |
how the increase in generative AI tools may hinder or enhance computational science training |
new trends in computational tools outside of AI |
Jupyter Notebook-based resources |
how new technologies can improve existing tools (eg how Rust can be used to speed up tools like gseapy) |
knowledge graphs |
computer vision |
3 respondents expressed interest in being a speaker/discussion leader for future meetings. The topics that they suggested they could cover include
BeingGuestInterest |
Software quality and general software development practices |
Data provenance and bioinformatic data reproducibility |
Tools and platforms to encourage user engagement, develop tutorials and FAIR content development for long term usage |
Do you have recommendations of other speakers/discussion leaders you think would be great for an OPEN meeting?
SpeakerRecs |
Ken Kawamoto |
Note: Each respondent could select multiple meeting styles