This is a function to get the Google Analytics accounts that this user has access to. The scope it uses is the `See and download your Google Analytics data` If you don't this check this box on the OAuth screen this won't work.
start_date = "2015-08-14",
token = NULL,
body_params = NULL,
end_date = NULL,
stats_type = "metrics",
dataformat = "dataframe"
- property_id
a GA property. Looks like '123456789' Can be obtained from running `get_ga_properties()`
- start_date
YYYY-MM-DD format of what metric you'd like to collect metrics from to start. Default is the earliest date Google Analytics were collected.
- token
credentials for access to Google using OAuth. `authorize("google")`
- body_params
The body parameters for the request
- end_date
YYYY-MM-DD format of what metric you'd like to collect metrics from to end. Default is today.
- stats_type
Do you want to retrieve metrics or dimensions?
- dataformat
How would you like the data returned to you? Default is a "dataframe" but if you'd like to see the original API list result, put "raw".
Metrics dimensions for a GA returned from the Google Analytics API. It can be returned as a curated data.frame or the raw version which is the API response as a list
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
accounts <- get_ga_user()
properties_list <- get_ga_properties(account_id = accounts$id[2])
property_id <- gsub("properties/", "", properties_list$name[1])
metrics <- get_ga_stats(property_id, stats_type = "metrics")
dimensions <- get_ga_stats(property_id, stats_type = "dimensions")
pages <- get_ga_stats(property_id, stats_type = "pages")
} # }