The ITCR Operations, Promotion, Education, and Networking (OPEN)
group conducted a survey collecting responses from Feb 2024 - May 2024
asking ITCR members questions about previous and future OPEN group
meeting topics and preferences. 20 responses were received, two of which
were determined to be duplicates, leaving a total of 19
responses used in the analysis. Questions asked about OPEN
usefulness in general and for specific meetings from Jan 2023 - Jan
2024, future topic interest including interest in specific topics and
suggestions for ideas and discussion leaders, and general
Results Summary
- Meeting
- The majority of respondents found the OPEN group’s activities and
discussions to be mostly useful and generally engaging or very useful
and highly engaging.
- The ITN education session on using Overleaf & LaTeX to write
manuscripts, the research activity/discussion of Survey and ITCR tool
characteristics/usage results, and the guest education session where
guest speakers discussed their experience with user acceptance testing
for scientific software were rated as the most useful previous OPEN
- Every previous meeting had a median rating of at least “Somewhat
Useful” with most having median ratings between “Useful” and “Very
- Future
Topic Interest
- The majority of respondents responded that they might be or were
interested in discussions on ethical usage and development of AI for
scientific research, policy and regulation related to AI, and tools and
infrastructure for building custom AI tools. One response distinctly
specified that they were not interested in AI topics.
- Respondents provided numerous unique ideas for future topics and
discussion leaders.
- The most preferred meeting topics were guest speakers about a topic
or their research, discussions about a topic, or co-working on a
- General
- General comments and suggestions mentioned that time conflicts make
it difficult for people to attend.
- Other general suggestions focused on meeting style.
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